Monday, August 12, 2019

Some corrections to my definition of Honor

For some time now, I’ve been working on explaining how and why we human beings came to be equipped with an AI that eventually became conscious, I think therefore I am and all that sort of stuff, where we’re heading as a race and how we might better ensure that the path we’re on is a path that really is best for all… Stuff like that.

Needless to say it’s a challenging task; however, what really gets me isn’t the isn’t a lack of relevant information, but the absence of language specific knowledge and/or skills with which to write it out the solutions into balanced equations of word. In other words, while I usually have my ideas on what I intend to write, actually writing it out in a balanced equation of words (aligned to my intentions) is difficult for me.

It’s as though I’m attempting to write that which I know, but have yet to walk, which is perhaps why I often find points very difficult to write out. The knowing within me says, I got this, it needs to be done and I can do it… And then as I begin typing out the words and I begin to notice the duplicity and deception in the words I’m writing (no matter how much I focus on balancing the equations), I still end up seeing once again the necessity of redefining words to a specificity that leaves no room for interpretations other than that which is completely aligned with the substance I intended to communicate. Which means that, instead of discussing AI today, I think I’ll just continue with the word, honor. LOL

In some of my previous posts, I had written about what honor signified to me and how I was in the process of redefining this word to a non polarized living word to use as part of the process of changing myself to stand in all ways as is best for all.  So I designed a method wherein I would intertwine the image of myself with that of my perception of others as a means of reminding myself to relate or do unto them as I would have others do unto me. For example, whereas in the past, I would simply imagine how I was best able to stand in relation to other people based on my judgments of their situations, I began experimenting with projecting my self-image onto them (or at least some of the ones that I focused on) to include the image of myself within and as my perception of them, in a sense, imagining myself standing equally as one with them in their shoes in the hopes of having a reminder as well as some incentive to stand honorably in relation to them.

Honestly, I really thought I had this point down because it seemed so easy. In imagining an image of myself and intertwining it with my perception of another, it just felt natural to treat that person with extra kindness, and there was zero resistance from my mind. In hindsight, that should have been a flag point right there because, during my personal process, I don’t think I’ve ever walked through to a point of real change without having to walk through resistance from my mind consciousness system. I guess the reason it seemed so easy without resistance was because, in projecting my image onto another for the purpose of doing unto another as I would have another do unto me, I was basically still catering to the self-interest of my ego.  So, back to the drawing or design board.

Whereas some words are easier for me, the word, honor has been quite agonizing for me. I guess this is because it’s been such a prominent point for me, misdefined unfortunately, and this is what I’m here to change.

Here is my new definition of honor and honorable, which I also write practical examples for and test it out. 
     Honor: The  value of life that I live as a matter of respect in relation to all points of life (of which I am aware) by recognizing each point as a unique  perspective of life and respecting it specifically for its uniqueness, by standing  in relation to all perspectives equally as I care to have all perspectives stand in relation to my perspective.
     Honorable: the ability to live the value of life as a matter of respect in relation to all points of life (of which one is aware) by recognizing each point as a unique  perspective of life and respecting it specifically for that uniqueness by standing  in relation to all perspectives equally as one cares to have all perspectives stand in relation to its perspective.

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