Friday, February 2, 2018



This morning I am pushing myself to write about undercurrents of polarized self-definitions, because this is what I’m currently working on as part of my personal process within the Desteni I Process. So far, what I gather in relation to these undercurrents is that they are like preprogrammed, underlying ‘I am’ designs or self-definitions that activate (according to one’s interpretation of an environment) to create a conscious experience in relation to that environment, sometimes even leaving one to wonder, where the hell did that come from?

For example, I’m sure most people can relate to moments when someone looked at them in a certain way or said something whereby they suddenly they found themselves reacting (to that person or the word that was spoken) in a piercing tonality of irritation or anger. Although we often shrug such reactions off as somewhat regrettable, usually unpreventable and for the most part harmless, the reality is that they are preventable and they can be quite hurtful. In fact, piercing tones of frequencies interlaced into and as words can be very painful to both the transmitter and the receiver. That is why the word, ‘piercing’ is associated with words that hurt. Remember that just as the letters of ‘live’, can also symbolize ‘evil’, so too can ‘words’, be placed in such as way as to symbolize the ‘sword’ (that pierces), hence the term ‘piercing words.

They’re called undercurrents because they move under the surface of our personas. However, just as the undercurrents of the ocean can sweep unsuspecting bathers off their feet and drag them down to the lows, so too are these undercurrents (as part of the design of ourselves) able to drag the unsuspecting or unaware down, down, down. 

Thus it is for man to know thyself or more specifically, the design of thyself. Because, once we begin to see the design of ourselves, we also begin to realize how to change ourselves for the better. For me, it is a matter of self-trust. As long as there are undercurrents swirling around under the surface of my conscious awareness, for which I am not the directive principle, then I will be left with a fear of what’s below, from which uncertainty will flow, which will lead to me embodying a less than optimal stand - one that lacks a certain amount of self-trust.

In looking back at various instances wherein undercurrents activated ‘I am self-definitions’, I see how I had reacted on occasions only to wonder afterwards, how and why had I reacted so intensely. The reason I now realize was because of the way I had unknowingly preprogrammed myself to react in such instances. For example, not too long ago I abused the words I spoke as well as the person to whom I spoke them. In looking back, I realize that, while I was speaking, I was not even aware of what I was doing until I noticed that person experiencing some distress. Immediately, I changed my mannerism to be more amicable. Yet I was still left wondering: why had I done that, how could I have prevented it and how could I have bettered handled the situation?

In tracing my steps back, I see that I had polarized a definition of myself in relation to that person and certain words, in this case a string of words that were spoken. In other words, instead of standing as the directive principle, trusting myself to determine who I am in and as each ‘new’ moment, I had programmed myself with undercurrents based on polarized definitions of good and bad ‘if this then that’ reaction patterns. Why is this a self-defeating state to be in? Because, it leaves one reacting to new moments rather than responding as the directive principle within and as the understanding that, as each new moment is a new moment, the best way to relate and walk into all circumstances is to to do so with a clean slate so as to determine or calculate each move based on the new of what is here right now rather than the old that no longer exists or applies. 

For more on this (and there is so much more), I suggest checking out Desteni and/or the Desteni I Process Lite, a free online course. By investigating ourselves, i.e., seeing, realizing and understanding the design of what we’ve accepted and allowed ourselves to embody, we are then able to change or redesign ourselves as a matter of self-creation.

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