Monday, March 29, 2021

Stopping the world system

As the world system of money, the global economy and all its facets continue to collapse, the challenge for me is to continue stepping up into the space of myself (to fill in that space left behind by my mind so to speak) by applying and living common sense principles of oneness, equality and what is best for all. For me, it’s like a starting-point/intention that I challenge myself to check for and recheck quite often.

 It’s 8:30 am in Taiwan. About 40 minutes ago, I decided to go for a walk even though the PM 2.5 of the air quality index was 72. About five minutes into the walk, I thought, “why not, I’ll just put on a mask and fit right in”. I’m not sure which is worse, though, breathing in the pollution or breathing through one of those masks and sucking in all those microfibers. My advice to anyone putting on a fresh mask, is to reverse it and blow through several times in order to dislodge the microfiber dust that is left behind from the manufacturing processes. Every time I accidentally don’t clean the micro dust off a new mask, I feel that dust getting sucked into my mouth and lungs. So, I ended up cutting my walk short and coming back home to write this.

 Getting back to the world system: as I touched on here and here, the world economy, the global financial system and everything that goes with it, is breaking down on its way (I guess) to completely stopping. Perhaps, in order to bring a new system online and get it going, the old one has to come to a stop.  Have a look: the ongoing pandemic scam, re inflation of ever larger financial asset bubbles, semiconductor shortages making it more difficult for the system to repair itself, disruptions caused by the weather, and now the stopping of shipping traffic through the Suez Canal thanks to the mega container ship that just happened to get turned almost completely sideways. There’s a message in that and I’ll leave it at that. 

My message for today is that the lull in the waves of consequence (that I sometimes talk about) appears to be ending. In other words, I’m guessing that more fallout is incoming.

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