Sunday, September 29, 2019

Seeing the Playouts and Solidifying my Goals

The reason I used the word, solidifying (as in to solidify or make solid) is because in order to become the movement to reach a goal, I think I have to understand the goal as one with who I am. Otherwise, I’ll just be attempting to push myself to do or accomplish something because I think it’s worth doing and is therefore something I should be doing, which in and of itself is probably not enough, which is why self-change from the within to the without is the one key to changing all of existence.

But first I would like to speak about something I’ve been talking about more and more these days, which  has to do with the way I sometimes become aware  of a program just before walking into and becoming it, literally giving myself like a quantum moment in which to make the decision to redirect myself away from that line of preprogrammed emotional reaction to a physical solution.  The reason I say “physical” solution is because that’s what movement out of and away from a programmed line of energy building up to an emotional reaction is (a physical movement or shift within one’s physical body) and what is indeed required  to correct one’s self in such a moment. Add to this movement or shift, the starting-point/intention to align or create a new outflow that is best for all involved and that movement or shift will then hold within (and as the essence of one’s movement) the potential to become a solution = that which is best for all involved.

For example, last week while I was teaching one of my classes, one of the many new ones that I have this semester, I found myself in a hurry, urging students to just write and get their blogs posted rather than walking with them  step by step through the process of how to write and post their blogs. In looking back, I see that the reason I wasn’t walking them through an easy to follow process of writing and posting a topic based blog was because I wasn’t certain what I wanted this new class's blogs to look like. I figured that we would just do it together and learn to do it as we did it, which is cool. However, what is not cool is that I let myself go into a hurry up and just get it done mode.

So as I was walking through the class encouraging students to write to learn how to write, I came across one girl who appeared to not even be trying. So I said to her, what are you doing, just click on that link, copy the format into a new blog post and… She just looked blankly at me and said, I don’t understand - which turned out to be the trigger for a program that I had thought no longer existed within me.

Suddenly, as if time had stopped for a moment, I was seeing inside of myself to the left of my stomach area, looking at a metallic like tubular shaped vacuum with a see through enclosure. Inside the enclosure was the experience that I was about to go into and I was even able to see or at least understand the first 5-10 seconds of the scene of the energetic reaction that I was about to become and playout. And this all happened in 2 or 3 seconds.

And just as suddenly (having made a decision not to go there) I was physically moving myself (almost as though I was taking a left turn away from that scene) away from that area in the middle of the classroom to the front of the classroom, wherein I began patiently explaining everything again step by step while showing the whole class exactly what we were doing and how to do it. And as I was doing this, I was also able to notice how many other students had also not understood the assignment.  And in that moment, I thought to myself, this is the way I would always like to be.

So how does this tie into solidifying my goals? Well, as everything is connected and defined by the relation (ship) lines that bind us together as one experiencing ourselves as many, I guess... I’m not really sure.

However, I will say that I have decided to push myself closer to others so as to work with and cooperate better with others as a process of practicing to understand unconditionally giving as well as unconditionally receiving, which is perhaps the next topic I’ll write about. And once again, I would like to thank the whales and/or whatever part of me, of existence for assisting me to see these playouts and make the decision not to go into them - before getting caught up in them.

Finally, it’s interesting how old programming diminishes, but doesn’t really disappear - which is once again why it’s necessary to always remain present/here.

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