Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 31: Too much theorizing, not enough Applying

Over the course of my life, there have been times when I've endured a lot of physical pain. I saw the pain as karma/payment for the sins of my past lives. Within this relationship to pain, there was always the certainty that I would endure because I saw pain as frequency sent to the brain, and that of the physical suffering – as separate from me as the life force inside of my head. I no longer see things that way; I’ve come to see them in reverse of that, as in the trinity: the human physical, the being, and the mind consciousness system. I see the physical human body as Life substance equal to and one with all that is physically here as substance/matter; the being (me) comprised of Life essence – also equal and one to all that is physically here as substance/matter, and the mind consciousness system comprised of energy – which is of the physical yet separate in a vacuum and not equal and one with Life / all that is here because for it to be it consumes physical substance/matter/Life-essence. There are those, quite a few who have sided with consciousness / the mind, in stating the likes of, “I think therefore I am.” To this I would reply: “I think therefore I have yet to be,” because that which think does so from a position of need to analyze and control that which is, using the past to define the moment and create the future yet never actually being here in the moment, i.e., that which thinks it is here is actually of energy as the mind perceiving what it is to be here. I should know – I've been doing it for quite some time. Who am I: I am the trinity of the mind, being, and physical; currently in the process of stopping many of the processes of the mind – deprogramming it line by line so as to return the energy, me as mind, to its source, so as to be – without having to think/perceive that I am. Thus I write to see who/where I am in this process, and to have record for me and anyone else who may care to see. The self forgiveness (for myself I give) is me taking self-responsibility for that which “I” have accepted and allowed – as in the programming lines of my mind. And the self-commitment statements are in a sense – the new program that I am installing to direct me as the mind to that which is best for all.
Self Forgiveness Statements for creating an Idea of who I am
  • I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create an idea in my mind that the pain that I’ve endured was my payment for my past sins. I see/realize and understand that physical pain is an outflow from damage caused to the physical; it is that which I as the physical endure and it hurts. Thus, I commit myself to no longer accept and allow myself to activities that are harmful to the physical.
  • I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see pain as that of frequency sent to the brain, and physical suffering – as separate from me as the life force inside of my head. Within this, I see/realize and understand that I have created an idea in my mind as to what is pain, the physical, and life force; thus separating myself from what is here in/as the physical. I commit myself stop my participation within and as ideas / the mind, so as to walk with what is here.
  • I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate within an idea that who/what I am is the trinity: the human physical, the being, and the mind consciousness system. Within this, I see/realize and understand that who and what I am is not that which is imagined in the mind; it that which I will/direct me to be in every moment. No one creates me as life to be this or that; only I may be who/what I am – that is undefined even by me.
  • I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that, that which thinks it is here is actually of energy as the mind perceiving what it is to be here; and within this not see/realize and understand that I am that energy of the mind – maybe it's life and maybe it isn't but that's what I have become, and the only way to find out what it is to not be that is to continue the process of stopping myself as that.
  • I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take in all of this knowledge and information and use to create theories – instead of simply applying it...

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