1. Tyranny and Genocide
justified in the name of COVID-19
2. Only on the brink of disaster
do people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we dare to evolve.
Every semester, instructors in my department are required to give two topic talks. After considering the possible ramifications for about twenty seconds, I submitted the two titles above.
If I
had to give one of the talks tomorrow, I’d probably open with a story concerning New Taipei City and 400 residents of an apartment building that were
recently ordered onto busses and shuttled off to detention quarantine
centers to serve their sentences for the mistake of... obediently obeying dictates of tyrants. Perhaps they, like hundreds of millions of others around the world, were hoping that after they obeyed this one little thing, things would go back to normal and they would be left alone.
News flash! It's called Creeping Tyranny, and the more people comply with unlawful demands, the more tyrannical the demands will become. Until one day, you wake up and wonder, what happened to my human rights, what happened to the rule of law?
As for my second Topic talk “Only on the brink of disaster do people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we dare to evolve”, this title represents my certainty that human beings will indeed eventually find the will to stand up, just say "No!" and stop complying with the dictates of human-hybrids pretending to be human beings.
From my perspective, the goal of the enemy (that has apparently already infiltrated almost every government in the world) is to enslave or kill every single human being on the planet. The COVID-19 plandemic is an excuse as well as a distraction. The so-called vaccines are the bioweapons (of a particular frequency) by which they plan to generically modify humans into a new species that they would then link-up or merge with and control. Look deeply into their eyes, that is the part of them that doesn't lie.
As common-sense reasoning and logic no longer seem to apply to the decision-making centers of many people, I will simply give you my perception of what’s in store for humanity until the masses find the will (where you will also find your courage) to stand up and just say “No!” to coercion and all other forms of abuse. The more we bow-down and comply, the worse it's going to get, and we ain't seen nothin yet.
The price of personal freedom is self-responsibility, and as we are now learning, self-responsibility is not something that can be delegated or given away to governing bodies, doctors or scientists. Each one of us is responsible for ourselves, those we care for and our immediate environments. The time has arrived for each of us to decide how we will live and/or how we will die.
The thoughts, suggestions, feelings of fear and even the euphoria that many people have encountered or experienced, "Just get the injection and everything will be fine." are being projected into people's minds. This is very high technology, way beyond what the CIA has access to. The bottom line is, it's not of human design/origin.
Stand your ground and do whatever it takes to prevent them from coercing you or others into agreeing to be injected with their Beta Enslavement Operating-system.
The tyranny and oppression will only become more and more oppressive until we stand-up alone and united to end the abuse on this planet once and for all.
As for my stand: I do not agree and I will never agree to be injected with their so-called vaccines. Furthermore, I will inform others (all who will listen to my perspective) of the possible dangers associated with allowing themselves to be injected with those toxic concoctions.
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