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Where there are usually rice fields, now there are weeds. |
Have a look at the extent of damage that has already been done and continues to be perpetrated unto the global supply chain. Soon, there will not even be enough resources to provide for the most basic needs of every human being on the planet. Ironically as it may sound, death via vaccine may soon be viewed (in hindsight) as the most merciful option for those who chose that path.
As one who rarely does sadness, I’ve been noticing a void opening and expanding within me. It is as though we have now arrived at the point of no return, with no alternative but to walk through the loss and the letting go — of everything we’ve valued. Preparations for those departing and those remaining have long been in the works. Metaphorically speaking, I’d say that we are now at the staging ground. Not sure which path you are going to walk? Look deep into your beingness and you will see the decision that you have already made.
The nature of creation, wherein creation is but a matter of change: in order to create something new, the old must first be undone. Hence the destruction of the old world system in proportion to the human beings currently awaiting departure. As within so without: while many human beings will no longer be standing as the world system, there will also no longer be a need for that support. This (dare I say, hopefully) should bring the economy of scale to a more manageable level, which, unfortunately, was not available with 7.5 billion people competing against one another. It is a learning time for all of us, and I will push myself to remain grounded and focused, while I assist and support others to do the same.
Regardless of how and why so many factors are now coming together and leading up to the perfect storm that will most certainly end this era of humanity, regardless of each one’s decision to remain here or cross over to the other side, each of us will have a part to play and a place to stand in creating the next chapter of our story. This is the opportunity; let us not waste it by falling into the trap of pointing fingers and/or attempting to lay blame. Better to focus on what is needed and what is at hand to change/create a better world, a world that is best for all.
As we are all that is, each one’s responsibility is to change ourselves for the better to change what is — for the better. Herein (once again), rather than focusing on the evil aspects of the globalist system (that does indeed appear to be emerging as the dominant playout/plan) let us look for the good in it as well as in everything else; embrace what is good and discard or disuse what is not.
Patience is key: whereas the old world system was like a multi-headed monster that was beyond repair or redemption, the design of the emerging new word system seems to have but one head at its center with innumerable tentacles protruding outwards. Ultimately (as a very wise being once said), a table with one leg is far easier to topple than a table with many legs.
Finally, on a much more personal note: upon noticing that the propaganda level in Taiwan was being turned up to the extreme, I began to feel concerned about my partner and decided that I needed to return home. Upon my return a few days ago, she informed me matter-of-factly that she and everyone else in Taiwan would be getting the vaccine… Sensing my distraught, she said not to worry, as we were last on the priority list.
Pain, loss and fear of being alone barely begin to describe that point inside of me that I’ve always known I might eventually have to face. I don’t know what her final decision will be, and I’m not sure if she is even aware of it. I am certain, however, that I didn’t come here to just sit on the sidelines and merely observe. I will do my best to assist and support her and anyone else (as best I am able) to walk our decisions/paths “in awareness” of the decisions we make. And I will honor and respect each one’s right/responsibility to make their own decisions.
Bro are you serious?
"to the human beings currently awaiting departure"
"death via vaccine may soon be viewed (in hindsight) as the most merciful option for those who chose that path."
Are you literally implying that people themselves DECIDE weather they are going to stay or not on the earth? I have been trying to leave since 2007. And told your great leader and 'lamb of all time' that I wanted and needed to be ejected ASAP. The earth was useless to me.
Your dimensions said not only would I not be allowed to leave but that if I did leave they would force me back to another cycle.
So where in the absolutel Hell do you have some list or some proclivity on who is staying or not staying on earth. Are you saying all those who take the vax will die?
I have no leader; I direct myself. As for my use of "decide": the decisions each of us make are the clarity, perhaps the only clarity any of us carry with us in terms of who or how we are, why we do what we do... There's stuff in this post that could be misinterpreted or taken out of context. Probably best not to read too much into it.
Thanks for taking a moment to read and comment.
Well if thats the case, and you would know being a friend of Sunette, I told her and bernard I was 'departing' the earth with no intention or desire to stay all the way back in 2007. Instead they said I 'couldnt' leave, and yet still I am booked by Bernard and Sunette for the 'next cycle' -- so they are in fact manipulating how and when people are allowed to leave this prison, although they take it a step further and say you have to come back.
The vaxx has been spoken of since the days of the bible as something harmful and dictated by the Elite. If taking the Vax meant I could simply die, I would take 4 rounds. Yet you destonians are waiting at the afterlife to 'send people back' -- I am not misinterpreting or taking anything out of context, thats exactly how it is.
I decide for me, and direct myself too. And after this life, there will absolutely be no reincarnation, but since Desteni has all the power in the universe they will force me back.
I mean you said it yourself that the current system doesn't work for 99% and people will be 'departing' -- unless you have other knowledge populations do not.. But Until the desteni group can answer exactly why, you are all con people and conspiracy people infecting the universe, both on earth and beyond. Imagine how much worse this world would be if it were revealed that at death, the ancient dimensions, and destonians are forcing people back into more lives? It would be destroyed without any intervention from the elite whatsoever.
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