I finally finished counting student blog-posts, grading hundreds of video presentations and all that other stuff that comes with organizing, aggregating and assessing student performance in the education system. I remember writing very critically about the education system just before getting hired at my current job about 7-8 years ago. Since then, I’d say that I’ve changed a lot, but the system doesn’t seem to have changed much at all.
And as for the students, the young ones, they’re still an enigma to me. Every year, I welcome a new group. Last year’s students were born primarily in 2000-2001, this year’s should mostly be born in 2002. Why is this relevant or important to me? Because I’m observing and monitoring behavioral changes in relation to the powering down of the human mind consciousness system and the birthing of life from the physical.
Often, I recall the suggestion: it’s not today’s children but today's adults that are responsible for determining the future; and every year throughout the year, I consider the state of awareness of the newest additions to the group of adult human beings that are just now beginning to take responsibility. Notably, every year, they seem to progressively be more stable, less and less moved by emotion. While I view this point as being beneficial to the whole, I still find it somewhat weird because it’s not at all how I recall young people being in the past.
I find it quite perplexing that while I seem to be able to recall a huge amount of information, events, how I behaved and even things I said many years ago, I rarely notice others being able to do the same. I guess that this has something to the process that I’ve been walking, essentially reorganizing and/or recreating myself as a human being via writing out the lines of old constructs, writing self-forgiveness, self-corrections, sounding it all out to discharge memories or energetic attachments to those memories, and walking those changes into living changes.
I make an effort to notice and note my perceptions of both my physical and mental environments. As far as perceptions go, the environment as a whole definitely appears to be changing. In terms of my perceptions of the physical state of my environment, the atmosphere outside appears cleaner, clearer and crisper — as though a typhoon is on its way or has just passed through. However, when it comes to my perceptions of my mental state and the state of humanity, I still notice a feeling inside of me, as though I’m walking into untested grounds, wherein I often require focused self-direction to stabilize myself or remain stable, remain grounded.
I understand that what’s happening to humanity is also happening to me within and as myself. Thus, with each self-direction and/or correction I make within myself, I also re-look out there to see if and how my perception is changing. Honestly, even though I will sometimes laugh at the state of humanity, this is more of a coping mechanism I sometimes utilize for a moment to release energy/emotion to then stop, stabilize and ground myself once again.
While I’ve come to realize that it’s not my place to push others to look, see, realize and understand what’s happening within the process that is taking place, I am often still uncertain as to what my place is in terms of where and how best to stand in relation to others.
While I’m quite certain (as a best guess kind of thing) that the internal purpose and/or intention of the awareness of viruses is not to harm this physical existence or the physical bodies of human beings, I’m not so certain when it comes to the so-called vaccines being injected into the physical bodies of my fellow human beings. Essentially, they/we are bypassing the first line of defenses of the human body, thereby leaving the body vulnerable to the ingredients of those concoctions. The question is: what is this going to do to the structure and workings of the human physical body?
My relationship with my body is one of self-trust: I, as the directive principle, care for my body and trust that it will do the same for all as me — a whole-body perspective or way of looking at things. As such, I do not agree to be injected with those so-called vaccines. Nevertheless, I am very curious as to how it’s all going to play out.
For every level or dimension, starting at the ground level/dimension, there is a perspective that I am able to imagine. At the ground level, I perceive the physical to be getting stronger, essentially utilizing this opportunity to reconstitute, restructure and/or repair. However, when it comes to my perception of the mental/energetic state of humanity as a conscious entity (the aggregate consciousness of human beings), I would say that the powering down of consciousness is continuing (dare I say, according to schedule), meaning that the state of human consciousness is continuing to diminish.
While many people who consider this kind of stuff might perceive or hope that consciousness would just fade away, my guess is still that it’s preparing to upgrade (from its point of view) to more suitable bodies. Could this be the rationale behind the mRNA so-called vaccines? Lol, depending on one’s perspective, I guess it could accurately be called a vaccine. Or from the perspective of beings helplessly dependent on the system just to survive, perhaps it’s the Red pill, which (going even deeper down the rabbit hole) might also be linked to an attempt by consciousness to extend its lifespan by changing the operating system of certain humans, removing beings in the process while attempting to maintain (so to speak) the bodies in/as a somewhat more of a synthetic form.
I’ve written of similar scenarios, and while I don’t see it working out the way a lot of people are surmising — as in a world of centrally controlled borg like humans — I’m still curious to see how everything plays out.
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