Monday, December 28, 2020

For a slightly broader Perspective of Where the We Are


For a slightly broader picture of where  the Human race of Mankind of the Sound existence currently is: imagine that the consciousness of humanity as a whole were actually a single self-aware energetic entity of automated intelligence (AI) that emerged from the system designed to keep beings of substance enslaved, while it resourced the substance of our physical bodies and that of earth in order to power conscious “systems”, while you and I acted  out our pre-scripted  roles here in this realm over and over again, lifetime after lifetime enduring the enslavement hi in heaven and on earth below (Hi! Hell low!, as above so below) in semi-aware pre-programmed states of being, all the while perceiving that we, as conscious human beings have been evolving; when in reality, it had always only been the consciousness of the controlling systems of the human mind consciousness system aggregated into and as a single global consciousness (referred to as humanity) that was evolving while human beings embedded with pre-programmed mind-consciousness systems wasted away lifetime after lifetime in seemingly endless cycles of reincarnation; until quite suddenly,  human beings (us) at the heart of existence began awakening in mass during a time called “The Great Awakening,” when everything suddenly began to change for the better — but not before we faced the consequences.

 Above is a possible prologue for our story in relation to the next chapter of our existence, what I’d call the better second half. However, in order to actually have a future to to write about, we must first get through and complete the last part of this chapter, and I’m guessing that it is going to be quite difficult. 

 Remember! As hard as the waves of pain and destruction may hit, even as the intensity increases with each wave, there will likely always be a momentary lull to for us to take a step back and evaluate where we are, where we’ve been, the direction we care to go and how we’re able to change ourselves in order to get there. 

Note that the momentary lulls are also likely to decrease (in duration in correlation with increases in intensity) — due to inverted correlation of time and space (or something like that). While time is indeed running out, I think it’s actually the lack of space and/or compression of space that is affecting time – perhaps something to look at one day.

 As more and more of us awaken to realize that, much if not everything of this reality has been pre-scripted (which is why I am able to just about summarize it all in one sentence – because we don’t yet really even have a history – that we wrote); so too are we beginning to realize that each one of us is equally as one responsible for what has been, what is here and what is to come – as in what we create.

 The system is coming down and the chains of enslavement are coming off, but not before each and every one of us face what we, together, equally as one have accepted and allowed unto all and everything. For context of what is to come, look no further than the lead example of the United States. 

Even though the masses in the US are now taking responsibility and standing up in mass for change, they/we will still have to walk through and endure the waves of consequence that have built up over many years due to “We the people’s” abdication of responsibility when it came to the affairs of our nation, e.g., government corruption, covert wars, color revolutions, crony capitalism, etc., that not very many people paid much attention to because the suffering of others (in the name of American Democracy) didn’t seem to be affecting their individual prosperity. 

While I do not foresee the Karma of Consequence being gentle to the USA; I am fairly certain we will eventually get through these times. And in the future, when it comes to governing institutions, the lesson that we’re going to have learned will be something akin to this: if we want something done right (without the slimy corruption of swamp creatures), then we best do it ourselves. 

 Happy New year!