Friday, August 14, 2020

Process Update: 8-14-2020


Taiwan has a subtropical climate, lots of water and three growing seasons throughout the year.

As I was writing Process Update, 8-14-2020, I was reminded of the Star Trek movies and the captain writing “Captain’s log…” In a sense it is kind of like that; after all, I am the captain of my own show, as are we all. However, rather than going anywhere, our mission is to remain here (where believe it or not, all the action really is) and boldly change ourselves as we have never changed ourselves before in order to create ourselves to stand as is best for all, like pillars of integrity, one one until it’s done and we’ve created our new existence.

 Often I hear the term, “this time is different” in relation to the human timeline, and I think to myself, so it is indeed. Why? Because this time is the culmination of so much that we’ve been working for, the Plan if you will. Which is why everything really is on the line and failure really isn’t an option - not even something that I will allow myself to consider. Thus, I am not even going to bother writing out harbingers of things to come, because regardless of what I/we have to face, we are going to walk through it all. Instead, I guess I’ll just talk about what’s been going on with me lately.

 This morning, I woke up with that familiar computing/processor sound singing in and around my head. Someone suggested to me that it may have something to do with the Shumen resonance of the earth. Perhaps that’s it. Whenever I look at that sound/noise, it appears like fields of organic computer servers and/or energy relay stations processing huge amounts of information all of the time. Sometimes I think there’s a connection between the decimal level of the noise and the activity of the global mind. For instance, earlier in the week, it sounded to me as though the global consciousness was in the process of processing a massive amount of information to deal with what’s taking place, kind of like getting ready for a major operation or something like that. Or perhaps (for a less imaginative option, yet just as plausible) it may just be neurons firing off inside of my head. Either way, I realize that it’s all me.

 The good news is, I have been offered another contract to work for another year. Yea, I understand how it feels to not know if you’re going to have a job or have to start looking for another one. My work is based on yearly contracts, which means that every year, even though I guess (with an accuracy assessment/guess of eighty-five to ninety-percent certainty) that I will be offered another year contract, I still end adjusting my living expenses to account for that uncertainty. Which means that I sometimes end up holding off on some discretionary spending in order to keep my finances within parameters that take into account the times we’re in.

 The strange this is, whereas I used to be totally carefree with my finances, letting my partner deal with all of that stuff, our roles have now reversed to the point that I’m now the one directing our budgeting, while she no longer seems to concern herself with it. In looking at this point, I see on one level of awareness, that I probably did this on purpose in order to alleviate some of her pressure so that she could focus on her legal studies - an experiment that we are involved in, which someday I will write more about.

 One of the most difficult challenges for me in terms of writing in these times, has to do with ensuring that what I write is best to write. Specifically, whereas writing for the revolutionary spirit of the times comes very easy for me, writing out pathways to solutions of real change does not come very easy at all for me. Which sometimes means that I don’t end up posting what I’ve written, because it would just end up being emotional fuel for the revolution. This is still a big challenge for me, which is why (lol) I’ve just cut away three pages from this post.

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