Sunday, May 26, 2019

Righteous condescension disguised as Consideration

Having written yesterday for 3-4 hours on the point of righteousness, condescension and consideration, I came back this morning to it. In looking at what I had written, I just sighed for the confusion that I had written without organizing anything into a solution. So here I go again, this time, short and sweet - including a solution - a simple one perhaps.

In an attempt to address and correct points of friction and conflict that would arise within me as undercurrents of fear as though I were being threatened or on the verge of being attacked sometimes when  having discussions with others, was to redefine the words criticism or criticized.
      Criticism or criticized: an opportunity for me to see, hear unconditionally the perspectives of others for the purpose of standing as the words care, consideration  and compassion as best I am able in order to give unto myself and others as I would have all others give.

As I began applying my new definition (or parts of it) when communicating with others, I began to notice that, while I wasn't reacting as much as though I were being threatened by their differing perspectives, there was still an undercurrent or feeling that would sometimes come up within me. It seemed to me that one person in particular would often assume a condescending attitude or tonality directed at me in relation to our discussions. In looking at this point by myself, I checked myself and noted that I was indeed living the words care (as the starting point intention not to cause harm to another) by considering what and how to speak to others (so as not to trigger them with knowledge and information that was simply beyond their  comprehension), thereby also living compassionately. Lol, I wonder how many people noticed my mistake or fatal flaw in the lines above. I didn’t at first see it and perhaps was because a part of me didn’t want to see it. Perhaps because the righteousness in me just wants to be right.

To summarize: what I was doing “incorrectly” in an effort to live the words care, consideration and compassion was applying consideration for others from a point of righteousness, which is actually what people do when condescending to others. Ironically, at first when I looked at this point, I just thought to myself, “I am considering them; that’s why I have to them in simple terminology with words at their levels that they’ll understand and not react to…” But actually I haven’t really been very considerate to many people, because I haven’t been unconditionally seeing/hearing them, others or anything. Instead, I’ve been conditioning my seeing/hearing of everything into personal perspectives and perceptions which was reflected back to me - in this case as though someone was being condescending towards me.

In taking responsibility (once again) for this point, I commit once again to focus really on the point of standing unconditionally in relation to others/all, which requires letting go of all judgments from the within to the without.

Every now and then, I begin to notice or have glimpses of understanding as to why the key to living physically here is to breathe, stop the mind and be here.  To stand unconditionally is to stand without judgment. 

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