Tuesday, February 25, 2020

2-25-2020 Notes on Current Events

As crises of viruses, plagues and perhaps the least talked about supply chain woes begin to disrupt people’s love/hate relationship to the world system, I ponder on the birds still singing and the sun still shining - don’t they know that it’s the end of the world? Ahh! I guess I should have been more specific: don’t they know that it’s the end of the world system? I don’t think it’s going to happen right away; these things, manifested consequence, I guess you could call it, does indeed seem to come in waves.

Yesterday, I went to Costco, probably the sixth time this month. The sign said, “one per customer per visit.” So I picked another big box of tissue paper and now I probably have enough for about a year. Why do we need so much tissue paper, I thought to myself. Good for bartering, perhaps?

Planning for me generally comes easy. It’s like imagining myself as a horizontal tree spreading out in front of me. I am the trunk of the tree with my roots behind me, the branches are but future possibilities and probabilities (based on the spread), which I use to plan my strategy, as straight a course as possible. But suddenly it occurs to me, perhaps instead of going horizontally into the future, I ought to upright myself, as well as my self-image to a vertical position,  planting myself here in the ground rather than in an uncertain future somewhere out there. Really good idea!

Before I look at the internet of today’s news, I would like to talk some more about the way I view current events and the phase that humanity seems to have entered into.  As I said before, it’s not so much the virus or viruses that people should focus on, but  the practical steps that each one is able to take right now in order to prepare for the disruption ahead. As I said before, I think it will only take about two more months of severe disruption to the global system in order to reach the point of no return. How much of the system will have to break down before humanity agrees to embrace and live the principles of equality remains to be seen. I’m guessing that the next five years will be very revealing.

In looking at different areas of the world system, I note that in more open and transparent societies, such as  Taiwan, communication and cooperation with a sense of urgency has for the most part, overwritten the fear factor. In times of crisis, those that rule over the people and fear most losing control of them, almost always end up injecting more fear into the crisis by overreacting to it, only to end up prolonging the crisis and  making it worse. Take note of where the most draconian measures are being implemented under the guise of containing the virus. In reality, such measures have more to do with maintaining government control over the people than they do with caring actually for the people. Locking people in their homes, locking down neighborhoods and locking down entire cities will not stop the spread of the virus, but it will probably cause a lot of starvation and mass unrest. Translation: don’t buy into “the need” for draconian measures to stop the spread of the virus; it will only make things worse.

Whether it takes three months or three years, I guess that the disruption to the world system will continue to spread until it either comes crashing down upon us or we replace it with a stronger, more equitable system - preferably one that is based on the foundation of equality, oneness and what is best for all. It’s really not that complicated, humanity’s woes stem from inequality of opportunity to participate equally and live a dignified life (as can easily be measured by the distribution of money), which has in turn caused the world system (from the within of each human being to the without of the manifested world system) to become irreparably unstable, leaving us with an overwhelming number of weak spots or problems, which viruses and other things (as per the automation of things) are now attacking. Deep stuff, too deep for this post. Bottom line, the key for everybody, as well as the body of the system as a whole is to remain stable and not to overreact - least the body become overwhelmed and the entire system comes crashing down too fast.

For me, this translates to embracing the virus, the fever and whatever else comes my way, while supporting my physical body to stand through the process of reconstruction and repair. As for riding out the turbulence within the world system, i.e., staying afloat and breathing, I strongly suggest having emergency supplies and a plan for either staying in place or getting to a safer place. For those in major cities, such as New York and LA, if you have the option of leaving, I highly recommend getting the hell out of these places as soon as (if and when) you hear about the first citywide lockdown (those draconian measures that I mentioned earlier).

I guess that we may see such draconian measures happening in places such as California and/or NYC very soon - just as it’s already been happening in other major cities around the world, where those in control seem intent only upon making things worse. If getting out of the city is not an option, then at least try to be sure you have a supply of clean water and lots of emergency food. I think lots of vitamin C (as an antioxidant), turmeric (for anti inflammation), ginger tea  with lemon (to help clean the system) and sodium bicarbonate (for just about everything) are good, but I’m sure there’s also a lot of other “natural” support available.

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