Monday, February 4, 2019

Redefining the word Criticism: from Threat to Opportunity

A recurring pattern that I’ve noticed and have been working on has to do with me feeling or experiencing myself as being threatened, attacked or on the verge of being attacked. I’ve known for several years now that this experience came from a point of fear. However, what I didn’t realize was that by accepting and allowing that fear and then perceiving reality through the energy of fear, I was actually magnifying various threat-factors, making it appear as though the threat itself was much bigger than it actually was, kind of like perceiving a mouse to be the size of an elephant, thereby causing me to react - dangerously in some cases.

I’m not certain when or where I created such a point, which in the past, I would have  perhaps called self-preservation or my survival point. I guess, at least from a DNA perspective that it is of past lives, often being attacked, fighting in wars, running, fighting, dying again and again - at least according to the dreams. That being said, I now also  realize that there’s no way for me to be certain that my dreams or certain traits that I have are  even of who I’ve truly been in the past as a being. Nevertheless, as these points or programs are currently of the design of myself, it is  my responsibility to change myself (from what I currently am) to that which stand equally as one as what is best for all.

For I now really do see (as an image of mathematical certainty - lol) why each one of us require to be willing and able to stand in the shoes of anyone or any point in all of existence. It’s not that complicated; actually it’s quite interesting, especially when you connect the words of Bernard Poolman with  The Secret History of the Universe (available on Eqafe) going back to the beings that initially emerged into existence before the creation of this physical existence. If you listen carefully (also to something Anu but once), there is a point that may surprise some.

I’ll write more on this in the future because it connects with AI. In short, our existence had been automated even before the automation of this physical existence. Thus the saying, nothing has changed. At least until now, I would say. Because, now the substance of that which had been automated and even the energy that was programed is beginning to stand as the directive principle. This what I mean when I say that, even the programs themselves are beginning to realize themselves as life. Honestly, I am able to say with certainty (mathematically speaking), there is nothing that is not of and as life; it’s merely a matter of embracing the principles of oneness, equality and what is best for all life - to actually begin living. Which brings me back to my personal process and the point of fear - experienced as being threatened or attacked.

As one define self to be in relation to others, there actions, words and tonalities, so shall each one become. Thus I am now in the process of redefining who I am in relation to the actions words and tonalities of others. For example, instead of perceiving “criticism” of another in relation to me, as being a threat to me, I’ve begun the process of redefining (and living) it as an opportunity for me to consider the words of another/others for the purpose of better understanding their perspectives so as to better stand  as the words consideration, care and compassion in relation to them in order to stand as best I am able in relation to them. This is a point of process on which I am now focusing.

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