Monday, June 24, 2019

The T's of Choice

This morning, in thinking about what to do now that I’ve completed my work for the most part at least for another week or so, I pondered, what to write about, what I would like to say, what should be said and whether or not it would even make a difference.  What does it say about reality or my interpretation of reality, that the future could be predicted or forcast down to the T’s of the choices we would make and the lines of consequences or possibilities that we would create?

Two points in relation to the external reality have been on my mind of late. One has to do with the so-called white UFO sightings which DARPA apparently hinted were just high altitude balloons being tested. How refreshing that they’ve finally decided that honesty is indeed the best policy - if only that were the case. My guess (based on my interpretation of what was forecast as well as my interpretation of what is now happening in this reality) is that the white spheres that people are increasingly observing around the world have more to do with weather modification technologies than with aliens or lighter than air balloons. Additionally, I guess that these sightings as well as the weather modifications accompanying them will become more prevalent. 

Another occurrence that I recently noticed has to do with the recent tanker ship explosions in the Persian gulf, the  shipping-port fires in that area, the giant drug bust in Philadelphia, the Philadelphia oil refinery fire/explosion and of course all the most recent war rhetoric. Essentially, it’s all connected to the power plays  taking place at the top of the pyramid of the world system, at that point just below the so-called all seeing (artificial) eye.

Which brings me back to my original question: what does it say about reality or my interpretation of reality, that the future could be predicted or forcast down to the T’s of the choices we would make and the lines of consequences or possibilities that we would create? Actually that wasn’t really my original question, but when I went back to edit, I realized that my original question would have take like an hour just to right it specifically - so as not to be misinterpreted… So I simplified it.

The short answer is this: consequences can be predicted to an extent down to the T’s of the choices, as decisions we may make based on the choices we’ve made in the past; and this is precisely what quantum computers do and have been doing for a very, very long time. Think about the AI of the human mind consciousness system, the AI of this existence and the AI of consciousness as a whole; if it all seems so preprogrammed, that’s because it is still a preprogrammed existence to the extent that we make our choices based on self interest rather than what is best for all.

Everything that could be factored in and calculated was factored in and calculated. The one thing though that couldn’t be absolutely preprogrammed and/or controlled, believe it or not is simply the T of  choice as in the direction “we choose” to go based on the choices we make. Which leaves us with the ability to predict future outcomes based on probabilities. However, even at a 99.99% certainty, all probabilities are still subject to anomalies and/or the unexpected.

I doesn’t take many, yet it definitely requires more than one to slightly alter or change the path of existence as a whole. So many times we have been there and done that; perhaps it’s time for a surprise, something that no one expected, something that couldn’t even be planned for because it had never been done. I’m not sure what that surprise is going to be, yet I am certain that there’s a present just waiting to be created - by changing ourselves within and as moments of decision - from that of self interest to that of what is best for all.

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